The Impermanence of Permanence

 One feature that has dominated Human History throughout the ages is Violence. We as a species are pretty brutal. From violence in the family, to the violence towards others, violence in the name of religion, race, ideology, traditions and customs, the list is endless. So what drives this violence? It is the concept of, ‘mine’. It starts in childhood with the idea of, ‘my toy’. It grows to my people, my country, my religion. This idea extends to the desire to conquer and dominate. History is replete with stories of Emperors and Empires which looked invincible. With the passage of time they disappeared with no trace. This is the Impermanence of Permanence. So tightly is an individual knit to the concept of ‘mine’ that he or she forgets that at death nothing is going to come with them.By nature’s arrangements nothing is constant. A body changes from that of a baby, to childhood, to adulthood, to middle-age and old age. Similarly in almost all aspects of life the end is certain from the first step. The end of the current super powers began the very day they became super powers, new kids on the block are emerging. They too will perish with time. Time is the greatest unconquerable. Mighty individuals, nations, empires have all perished with the passing of time. When the time is up, the most powerful weapons fail you. Your mind is overcome with doubts. Your own people for whom you have indulged in wars disown you. This is the potency of Time.

The one and only secret for immortality is love and compassion.

Variety and diversity is nature’s law, anyone who tries to impose by force a religion or an ideology will fail without a doubt. This though has not deterred people from trying to paint the world in one colour. This has caused millions of deaths, ethnic cleansing and holocausts.

After the two devastating world wars, Europe has had a relatively peaceful time. I say relatively because bloody civil wars were going in different parts of the continent. This Peaceful time unfortunately has created an era of unimaginable violence towards the animal kingdom. Around £700 million is given in subsidy for meat production every year. The most sophisticated methods to breed, raise, imprison, export and slaughter animals for meat have been invented. Huge trawlers have killed trillions of fish every year along with Dolphins, Whales and other marine life. A blatant falsehood that animals were not sentient beings became a doctrine to do absolutely anything to animals. Hunting animals with powerful guns and hounds became fashionable. This violence towards living beings who are at our mercy creates  a dark immovable cloud of negativity and despondency which hangs over us and does not give us any peace or happiness.

Not content with that Human beings turned on Rivers, Forests, and all the bounty nature provides. We have managed to bring the planet to a disaster point. Our penchant for violence just does not stop.

Driven by the desires of senses and the arrogance of youth an individual takes a destructive path. The feeling of immortality is fervent in this age. It is therefore absolutely important to introduce the concepts of Compassion and Non Violence to young people. Compassion can overcome anger, hatred and envy. All poetry, philosophy, all the good thoughts, all our interactions should be centered on one word: Compassion. This compassion does not mean cowardice. It should be our first point of action. A very good starting point is to do prayers for those that you have a negative feeling for. Wish them well, then pray for those in distress. I can tell from my personal experience that it works. Remember you are not doing anyone a favour. You are doing yourself a favour as you will experience bliss as you shed all negativity. Come lets all chart a new path for our human species from violence to compassion.

Nitin Mehta.

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