A selection of Articles by Nitin MehtaFreedom of thought makes Indians among the luckiest people in the world
Freedom of thought makes Indians among luckiest people in the world Freedom of thought makes Indians among luckiest people in the world By Nitin Mehta January 26, 2025 For tens of thousands of years freedom of thoughts has prevailed in India. It is the very foundation...
A response to Amrit Dhillon on her article in the Times Consumed by envy at the Kumbh Mela getting world wide coverage Amrit Dhillon wrote the above piece to please the readers of the Times. She probably hopes that her article...
The Guardian worries about the largest gathering of humans in one place! In an otherwise factually correct account of the beginning of the Maha Kumbh Mela, Hannah cannot resist having a dig at Hindus. It is a deep rooted...
My interview on National television of Guyana
[04/12/2024, 19:55] Nitin Mehta: [04/12/2024, 20:20] Nitin Mehta: My interview on the National television of Guyana. It Is also broadcast in other countries of the Caribbean
Most comprehensive interview with Feelings TV, Vadodra, Gujarat, India
My interview with Sayaji Samachar, December 2024, Vadodra, India
My interview RJS Positive Media- December 2024, New Delhi
My views on a recent trip to the Vatican by the Jain Community leaders. My response to a report of the trip
As much as we look for similarities with the Vatican, the fact is we do not have a lot in common with the Catholic Church. They do not believe in the Jain principle of Anekantvad which allows for multiplicity of ways to God. The Vatican 'tolerates' other...
Hannah Ellis Petersen on Gautam Adani.
In the Saturday 23rd November 2024 issue of the Guardian Hannah has written an article titled, ' Who is Gautam Adani The Indian Billionaire Charged in the US over bribery plot'. She goes on to list Adani's massive conglomerate which has made him a billionaire. But...
The Guardian Falling to new depths
My reply has been sent to Hannah and Katherine Viner editor of the Guardian. In a first after a long, long time Hannah has found time to write a critical piece on Pakistan albeit withShahmeer Baloch in Pakistan. Hannah is described as writing from Delhi. One would...
Canada needs a new leader
... Canada needs a new leader Editor's Choice Canada needs a new leader Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Left) and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre (Right). (File Photo) By Nitin Mehta November 3, 2024 We need to understand how Canada came into existence to...
How Mauritius regained Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia
Sunday Guardian Mumbai How Mauritius regained Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia Editor's Choice : How Mauritius regained Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia By Nitin Mehta October 13, 2024 On the insistence of the Americans who had secretly paid the UK $14 million...
Hannah and Hassan From the Guardian Again
[10/10, 15:30] Nitin Mehta: Friends you will remember Hannah and her pal Akash Hassan on 19 September they wrote an article about the...
Why we should not burn the effigy of Ravana and why we should not offer milk to Gods or foods which have milk in it.
Why we should not burn the effigy of Ravana and why we should not offer milk to Gods or foods which have milk in it. As the Navratri ends the festival of Dashera will commence. Hindus everywhere will organise the burning of the effigy of Ravana. This is wrong firstly...
The shenanigans of British politics
The shenanigans of British politics opinion The shenanigans of British politics Published in the Sunday Guardian Mumbai 29 September 2029 By Nitin Mehta September 29, 2024 In less than three months in office the PM Keir Starmer is engulfed in a situation where he has...
Taj Mahal is crumbling due to anti-Muslim neglect claims Amrita Dhillon. The following response has been sent to the Editor of the Times and Amrita Dhillon. Dear EditorThe article by Amrita Dhillon (Taj Mahal is crumbling due...
Guardian’s usual anti Modi/BJP article on eve of Kashmir elections.'s usual anti Modi/BJP article on eve of Kashmir elections. Another hate filled article in the Guardian. My reply has been sent the editor of the Guardian, Hannah and Hassan. Once again...
William Dalrymple acknowledges India as the Mother of Science and Civilization
Published in the Sunday Guardian Mumbai William Dalrymple acknowledges India as the Mother of Science and Civilization By Nitin Mehta September 15, 2024 LONDON: Most Indians know of two British individuals who live in India. They are Mark Tully, the famous former...