Caste prejudice has nothing to do with the Hindu scriptures

Abuse of the caste system is a problem, but India’s constitution enshrines equality, says Nitin Mehta

David Haslam went for the jugular in his criticism of Hinduism and its caste system ( Face to faith, November 18). He needs to be reminded that Hindus have never carried out crusades against other religions and have sheltered Jews, Parsees and Bahais. It is also a fact that even after converting to Christianity, the caste system persists among the newly baptised. Buddhists and Sikhs too have castes.Rev Haslam laments the fact that six Indian states have passed anti-conversion bills despite India’s constitution guaranteeing religious freedom. Christians practise their faith without any fear or persecution in India, but there is a problem of missionaries targeting the poor and vulnerable – Haslam alludes to this by saying 500 Dalits were baptised with “Lord’s Prayers”.

No one denies that the abuse of the caste system in Hinduism is a huge problem. But, right from the time India gained independence, discrimination on the grounds of caste has been outlawed: jobs and places in educational establishments are reserved for the marginalised castes, and Dalits have occupied some of the highest positions in Indian society. It takes longer, however, to change hearts and minds. Interfaith dialogue on this issue is welcome, and Hindu leaders would endorse any positive steps that can be taken.

Haslam reports that, according to some Dalit activists, the psychology behind the caste system “is rooted in the Hindu scriptures, the Rig Veda and the writings of Manu. These are derogatory about Dalits, teaching that the Brahmin came from God’s head, the Kshatriya from his arms, the Vaisya his thighs and the Sudra his feet. Dalits do not figure and are therefore sub-human and polluted.”

The fact is that, at the time of the scriptures, there were only four castes. All these were like parts of a human body, working together for the common good and all equally important. Over the following centuries the caste system came to be abused, and a fifth class of people – the Dalits – were identified.

In the Bhagvad Gita, the Bible of the Hindus, Lord Krishna says that a learned man will look upon all living beings as equal. Haslam concludes by saying: “Moderate Hindus … need urgently to demonstrate that Hinduism can be transformed in a way which entirely eliminates the shameful effects of caste.”

Most Hindus abhor the abuse of the caste system, and they are not afraid to tackle injustices. However, they do it by democratic, non-violent ways and that is why Dr Ambedkar – the Dalit hero, as Haslam puts it – is also the hero of Hindus. It would also help if Christian missionaries did not play a numbers game and target the Dalits for conversion.

Haslam then goes on to wonder whether Hinduism will survive without the caste system. I can assure him that Hinduism, the oldest religion, will not only survive but thrive as an increasingly troubled world searches for peace and happiness. Yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and the deep philosophical wisdom of Hinduism continue to attract a huge number of people in the west, and the temples are overflowing.

· Nitin Mehta is the founder of the Indian Cultural Centre

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