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Dear Simon Tinsdall

Your article in today’s Guardian is a lot of breast thumping. You call the ruling party India, ‘ oppressive Hindu majority power ‘. Would you call the UK a oppressive Christian power considering the discrimination faced by etnnic minorities and the brutal treatment of the Windrush generation? The UK is officially a Christian country with Bishops sitting in the House of Lords guiding the nation on faith matters. Major national events in the country like royal weddings and opening of the parliament are ‘ blessed ‘ by the Church of England. Would you call that oppressive Christian power?

India is a Hindu majority country and the ethos and the culture as well as traditions of the country has to reflect that. It does not take anything away from the minorities. India is the only country where there has been a Jewish presence for over 2000 years. They will tell you that it is the only country where they have not faced any discrimination. India has welcomed persecuted Baha’is and Zorostarians. They live happily in India. This is because the Hindu majority has never persecuted any faiths. You say that the ruling party is dominated by Hindu nationalist knaves and jokers. This betrays your prejudice. What evidence do you have that they are knaves and jokers? You quote Pankaj Mishra a well known Hindu hater.To say that Modi won by seducing Indians with envy and hate is a gross insult of Indian’s 1.3 billion people who have elected him twice with overwhelming majority because he has brought a huge number of reforms and real progress that India never saw under the Congress party. Regarding crying foul about Amnesty the institution has no credibility because it is ideologically biased. It’s source of funding for anti India activities are questionable. The government of India had asked for the sources of the huge amount of money that was coming to Amnesty International. Amnesty’s account reports were not being made available.It failed to comply with the new Government requirements for NGOS receiving money from abroad. You mention Delhi riots and blame the police just because they have unravelled a huge conspiracy by anti national forces to create chaos at the time when President Trump was visiting the country. Your narrative to blame Hindus shows how Amnesty works. Amnesty has lost the goodwill of the people of India as they know that even if India was as good as the UK they would still be sledging India. Anyway Amnesty does not have to be in India to report a continuous barrage of anti India sentiments. It can do it from the UK . Covid 19 has taught us that you can do a lot from home. You talk about Kashmir. Do you know that tens of thousands of Hindus were ethnically cleansed from Kashmir? Kashmir is an integral part of India. Just as Northern Ireland is considered an integral part of the UK. You mention discrimination faced by women and girls. What proof do you have of this? Some of the most eminent space scientists in India are women. India is one of the few countries that has women fighter pilots. You mention recent clashes with Pakistan and China and that,’ India came worse off ‘ . I do not know of any recent clashes with Pakistan except when India bombed terrorist camps in Pakistan. India certainly did not come worse off. Regarding China it is on an expanist drive claiming sovereignty over many countries areas. India stood up to China and now commands all strategic areas. It is China who has been humiliated. It has also emboldened countries like Japan to stand up to Chinese bullying. I suppose you wish for China to prevail against India even though you know what is going on in Hongkong and the lack of any democracy there.

The days when India took orders from the Guardian are gone.The Guardian can jump up and down it will not have an iota of impact on India. With the paper running in huge losses and massive redundancies happening it needs to balance its reporting if it has to have any credibility.

Nitin Mehta
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