The above named article appeared on (5/5/2022) in the Times, written by Amrita Dhillon. As usual Arundhati spews anti-Modi anti India nonsense. The following is my reply published in the Comments page of the Times.
Arundhati has a pathological hatred of Hindus. One of her parents is a Syrian Christian, a community Hindu India gave a place to live as they were persecuted. Even when Congress was in power Arundhati blamed Hindus for everything she saw wrong with India. She supports Maoist terrorists operating in North East India. For those not familiar with India but quick to criticise, when we talk of minorities in India we are talking of around 230 Million people. Yes, digest the figures! Persecuted Zoroastrians, Baha’is, Jewish people, Syrian Christians, people from Afghanistan and recently persecuted Sikhs from Afghanistan have found a safe home in India. Minorities can also be unreasonable and confrontational. Just as the UK remains very much a Christian country and all the state occasions are blessed by Church leaders, the Hindu majority also wants its ethos and values acknowledged and respected. Regarding democracy you will not find a more vibrant democracy anywhere in the world. The constitution is sacrosanct. Almost every 3 months there is an election in one part of India or another. Only last month elections took place in Uttar Pradesh with a population of 250 million! Yes, digest the figure! And Narendra Modi’s party won a thumping majority. India is being freed from the shackles of Socialist bureaucracy and corruption. The changes taking place in India are amazing. It is the vibrancy of Indian democracy that people like Arundhati Roy can go around the world criticising India.
Nitin Mehta
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