December 2022

I said:
For Hindus loyalty to the country you live in is paramount. In the Mahabharata 5000 years ago Dronacharya the great teacher and fighter was asked why he was siding with the evil Kauravas. He replied that all his life he had worked for them and it was his duty to be faithful to them. Similarly we have to be loyal to the country that we have made our home. Throughout History most bloodshed has happened because one religion thinks it has the supreme truth and all others are heathens. Hinduism the world’s oldest religion believes that all paths to God are valid as long as they are followed in the right way. India has given refuge to many persecuted groups like the Zoroastrians, Bahia’s and Tibetan Buddhists. Zoroastrians have lived in India since the 7th Century and there is not even a minor case of any trouble caused by the Hindu community. The Bahia’s have a beautiful temple in the heart of Delhi and Hindus go and pay their respects there to a place of worship. If a Hindu visits a Church he or she automatically bows down to show respect. The Tibetan Buddhists have been given all the facilities to worship their faith freely. The Ahamdiyya community in India also practise their faith freely. Hindus believe that our respect and tolerance should be extended to animals also. It is for that reason that most Hindus are Vegetarian. The cruelty we inflict on animals rebounds on us in the form of negative Karma. I ended by saying that when our Hindu Prime Minister Rishi Sunak meets India’s Prime Minister both will acknowledge their common Hindu heritage but Rishi will fight hard for British interests as that will be his Dharma.

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