Arundhati is a supporter of a violent Marxist movement operating in the North East

of India. She is in no position to lecture anyone about violence. She has a visecral

hatred of Hindus. Coming from a Christian background she sees Hindus as an obstacle

in a strategy which wants Hindu to become irrelevant, second class citizens in their own 

country. In time old fashion the likes of Arundhati cosy up to the West and play a good role

as sychophants. Hence she dwells on the the biased and twisted documentry that the BBC 

produced recently. The BBC has overstayed its welcome in India. It is a biased and authoritarian 

media outlet. India is surrounded by countries where ethnic cleansing and civil wars are going 

on but BBC considers India a soft touch and keeps churning out anti-India lies. BBC this time

has gone a bit too far and Karma is biting back! It has overstayed its welcome in India. 

Narendra Modi is all set to win a whooping majority in the comimg election and the likes of  Arundhati can only 

throw tantrums in the Guardian.  Air India has just signed a multi bullion dollar deal with the Air Bus and 

Boeing. It will create tens of thousands of jobs in  the US, UK and France.  The likes of Arundhati

are irrelevant, outdated idealogues whoare stuck in the past. India meanwhile is  marching ahead     

Nitin Mehta       

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