In the comments column PM Modi is called a fascist and other names.

My response below was published:

Nitin Mehta –

One of the biggest genocide was the Mughal rule in India. Tens of thousands of Hindus were put to the sword by the Mughals of Turko/ Mongolian origin. Tens of thousands of temples were destroyed. Hindus were converted by force. Rajput women committed mass suicide to avoid rampaging Mughal soldiers. This went on for 800 years followed by 200 years of equally brutal British Raj. The leftist Gandhi dynasty accorded these invaders star status. Many prominent roads in Delhi were named after these mass murderers. It is like calling Oxford Street Hitler Street. Hindus will not apologise for correcting the biases of left wing narratives. Those who call Modi a fascist and other names should know that he is the elected leader of the world’s biggest democracy. To add to their discomfort Modi is all set to win a thumping majority in the coming election. Hindus are claiming their proud heritage back and no amount of breast beating is going to change it.

Nitin Mehta 

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