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Please sign pledge for a plant based diet only, on the new Planets mankind is searching for

Different planets in our Galaxy have fascinated our species since time immemorial. We are now at a stage where interplanetary travel is possible. India is the latest country to land a Space vehicle on the Moon. Many other countries and private companies are preparing for Space travel. A blueprint of how a Human settlement in a different planet will conduct itself and what will be done to protect a pristine planet from the plunder that we have brought to our planet is an issue of profound importance.

A European organisation called EBAN has drawn up a manifesto for a clean, safe, equitable and peaceful Space for all. On planet Earth Human beings have arrogantly and aggressively destroyed the environment and the ecology to the point that we are facing an imminent catastrophe. We have plundered the forests, rivers, oceans and all other animal species that share this planet with us. One thing that has robbed human beings of any righteousness and morality is the pitiless raising and killing of billions of animals for food. We have drenched mother Earth with their blood.

We have also abused the animal species by becoming deaf to their suffering. This violence hangs over us like an unmovable cloud of dystopian despair that has dulled our senses and robbed us of any peace and joy of living. Killing of billions of animals has stained the human race with the blood of these poor creatures. This violence has dumbed our senses to the point that we turn that violence on ourselves at the slightest provocation.

We should therefore resolve that only a plant based Vegetarian/Vegan diet will be the food for human beings on other planets. We therefore call upon all the stakeholders in this business of possible settlement to other planets to include it in their manifesto. Let us evolve into a kind, compassionate and non-destructive species.

Indian Vegetarians and Vegans
Nitin Mehta, Vaid Bharath, Poonam Doshi, Nipan Malde


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