The Pew Research Trust

A major survey by Pew Research Trust on India has published a report a few days ago: Religion in India, Segregation and Tolerance’It is written in a seemingly unbiased way but a closer study shows it is trying to highlight what it calls the Hindu Nationalist...

Common Ancestry is Irrelevant!

We often take comfort in the idea that ancestry of all in the Indian subcontinent is Hindu. Yet the History is replete with the descendants of a country, religion or ideology who completely disown their forefathers. 500 years ago Ireland had a rich Celtic culture and...

The Telegraph, London, UK

Holy cow: Three-eyed Welsh calf saved from slaughter to be worshipped as a god  Phoebe Southworth 4 days ago-8 July 2021 A three-eyed calf has been saved from the slaughterhouse by a Hindu animal sanctuary which believes it is a holy cow.© Jain Animal Sanctuary/Wales...

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