.Letter to Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor in today’s Independent(29 November 2021) gloats at the reversal of the Farm laws by the Modi government. At the same time he regrets that the reversal of farm laws will scupper the need for much needed farm reforms. This is the problem with...

Nigella Lawson on rejecting Veganism

Around 80 billion animals are raised for meat every year.Add on that 9 billion humans and this planet is just not big enough to sustain these numbers. Animals do not grow on thin air. They need food and water. Almost 40% of world’s fresh water resources is used...

Comment published in the Times

In the Times dated 21 Oct.2021 a guy called Harry Wallop talks about eating ecologicallysustainable meat mainly wild game meat. He recommends Venison, RabbitHare, Pigeon, Grey Squirrel and white meat namely chicken and turkey. There ismention of a farmer practicing,...

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