by Nitin Mehta | Jul 1, 2019 | Articles
Article published in the Darpan Magazine published by Navnat Vanik Association The recent Cricket world cup tournament was marked by the huge number of Indian supporters following the Indian cricket team. The Indian diaspora in far flung corners of the world were...
by Nitin Mehta | Apr 9, 2019 | Articles
Intellectual Bankruptcy of some Indian Academics abroad Published in the Times of India 4 August 2013 In 1947 India emerged from centuries of slavery. A civilisation dating back to tens of thousands of years which had mastery over almost every aspect of life that...
by Nitin Mehta | Apr 1, 2018 | Articles
Sunday Guardian, Mumbai, 1/4/2018 In January 2001 at the age of 59 Stephen Hawkins travelled to India where he gave lectures and visited place of interest. This was not his first visit to India, he had earlier visited in 1959. At the time his parents and siblings had...
by Nitin Mehta | Dec 15, 2017 | Articles
Indian is like no other country. If you want to understand this planet you are living in you need to see India. This is what I tell my non-Indian friends. Every few years I visit India and wonder if my mantra is some kind of hype I believe in because I have always had...
by Nitin Mehta | Sep 10, 2017 | Articles
By Nitin Mehta | 10 September, 2017 London: Ever since India got independence, the British media have painted a negative picture of the country. Indeed, many did not expect India to last long as a nation. There are countries that are failed states, countries which are...
by Nitin Mehta | Sep 9, 2017 | Articles, Uncategorised
LONDON: For many years now a caste booster lobby of Dalit’s has been campaigning to bring in a law to ban “caste discrimination” in the United Kingdom. The campaign has been supported by some MPs and Lords of Indian origin. The implication of this law would have...
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